More Family Fun

While everyone else smiles and says "cheese," Stephen laments, "They made me wear a tie!" This family picture was made when Grandpa Harold and Grandma Lois celebrated their 50th anniversary. Pictured from left to right and starting in the back are: Greg Wright, Stan Blades, Ken Stephens, Nancy Stephens, Nan Wright, Cindy Blades, Harold Stephens, Lois Stephens, and Stephen Wright

The older Stephen is captured in some of the family fun pictures below. Please click to get a larger image.

Christmas 2000
Hunting buddies: Grandpa Harold, Greg, and Steve
Uncle Mark, let's go fishing: Steve with Cousin Brock
Good natured teasing at Nan's birthday
Game time with grandparents
Christmas with grandparents, 2000
Nan's Birthday