Royal Rangers
Isn't he scary. Royal Rangers is a Christian scouting organization started by the Assemblies of God denomination. Steve was in Royal Rangers from age seven through eleven. During this time he got to go white water rafting, take an over night canoe trip down the Cold Water river, and later in Lebanon, do primitive camping at Savage Gulf. He went to several powwows and camped in many beautiful places.
While in Florida Steve won the Ranger of the Year award at Trinity Christian Center and went on to win again at section 11 of the West Florida district. He lost during district competition.
Pictures from district competition are shown below. Click on the picture to get a larger image.
Father and son
District Competition
Steve would later leave Royal Rangers as our family became more Reformed
Baptist in its interpretation of scripture. Nevertheless, I commend Royal
Rangers and its commanders. Those men dearly love the children they lead,
and Steve and I, both, were greatly enriched by our time with them.
Royal Rangers not only placed kids under the caring leadership of godly
men, but it also brought fathers and sons together. One way Royal Rangers
did this was through the Father-Son campout. For me this was
my first camping experience. Here is a picture of Stephen and me at our
first Father-Son campout. Click to see a larger image.
It was such a wonderful experience that I later signed on to be a Royal
Rangers commander at Trinity Christian Center. Later I served as
Senior Commander at Outpost 6 under the Sonshine Conference in Tallahassee
at Agape Life Fellowship. When we moved to Lebanon, Tennessee, I served as
Senior Commander at outpost 176 at First Assembly. I resigned sometime after we
affiliated with Grace Baptist Church in Hartsville.
Steve and I greatly benefited from applying the Royal Ranger pledge and motto. The motto for Royal Rangers is "Ready." The explanation for this motto is "Ready for
anything: ready to work, play, serve, obey, worship, live, etc." To that
list I would add the word "die." A Royal Ranger should be ready to die. I
shall always be grateful to God that when it came time for Steve to leave
this world, he was a born again Christian, truly ready for anything.